Breathtakingly Beautiful & Very Wearble
"The opening blast of wintergreen will knock your socks off (...) Treazon, which is a natural perfume, softens into a silky, dusky, not-buttery tuberose accented with vanilla and spices. It has an almost wine-y undercurrent".
Visit Now Smell This to read the rest of Robin's review of Treazon - which is described for the 2nd time as "breathtakingly beautiful" (the first one to say it is Gaia aka The Non-Blonde) and "very wearable". I'm also particularly honoured that this review comes next to the wonderful Forest Walk by my friend & colleague Laurie Erickson, and the 7 Virtues Afghan Orange Blossom (which I'm yet to smell).
Labels: Ayala Moriel Parfums, Media, Media Clip, New Perfume, Now Smell This, Perfume Review, Robin Krug, Treazon
That's my favorite perfume blog. Well, with Robin's endorsement, this is going on my Christmas List.
Ayala, I am so happy for you that Treazon has been reviewed so favorably. It is such a beautiful perfume. I am counting down the days to the release date.
Oh, thank you Laura -
Hope you will enjoy Treazon as much as Robin, Nav and Gaia.
Have a great weekend!
melou -
I'm so happy you've been enjoying Treazon. It's very soon!
This weekend I'll be making the parfum oil version, which was a rather late decision...
Even better, Gaia included Treazon in her recent post on her favorite tuberoses and stated that it's one of her "favorite perfumes of the year".
Well done! Clearly, to sample it is to want it.
-- Lindaloo
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