A Midsummer Night's Dream, A Perfume Event
This scent-blog event was initiated by Amanda Feeley of Esscentual Alchemy. As the blog posts reviewing the participating perfumes roll in, you can find the links here.
My contribution to the event is my Smiling Country perfume, reviewed by the following blogs:
Scent Hive
Perfume Pharmer.
Perfume Smellin' Things
Le Parfumeur Rebelle
I haven't revealed the notes used for the perfume, because I wanted the bloggers to experience it for what it is, rather than break it down and dwell on the particular elements that make up the perfume. Seems like this was getting the complete opposite reaction - they each seem very eager to guess what ingredients were used, and even more anxious to find out if they were right!
I'm sticking to my original plan, which is to not reveal what the notes are until everyone is done reviewing them. But since everyone seems to like some guessing - you are more than welcome to add your speculations!
The participating blogs in this project:
AbsintheDragonfly's Artfire Store Esscentual Alchemy's Blog
They will be reviewing perfumes by the following 16 perfumers:
Alfredo Dupetit - BioScent
Amanda Feeley - Esscentual Alchemy
Ambrosia Jones - Perfumes by Nature
Ane Walsh - Artesã Perfumista
Ankica Milic - Be-BellatrixAyala Moriel - Ayala Moriel Parfums
Charna Ethier - Providence Perfumes
JoAnne Bassett - JoAnne Bassett Perfumes
Jane Cate - A Wing & A Prayer Perfumes
Justine Crane - The Scented Djinn
Libby Patterson - Libby Patterson Organics
Lisa Abdul-Quddus - Blossoming Tree
Lisa Fong ~ Artemisia Perfumes
Shelley Waddington - Envoyage PerfumesTanja Bochnig - April Aromatics
Yuko Fukami - Parfum Phyto
Labels: Blogging Events, Midsummer Night's Dream, Smiling Country
Interesting choice. :)
I think that when people are given the notes they focus on that rather than experience the perfume as a whole. Designing a perfume is creating a new smell.
Good luck to all the participating blogs in this project. :)pheromone cologne
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