Friday, March 14, 2008

And While We Procrastinate...

A new Facebook group was created for you, dear SmellyBlog readers. This is a place where I hope to see you post your ideas for what you'd like to read on this blog in the future. Any material you are particularly curious to learn about? The story behind a particular perfume? Requests for perfume reviews?

No, I'm not having a very dull Friday night to have even bothered starting a group... I'm just in the mood for experimenting and seeing if Facebook could be actually used for something (aside from spying on friends from high-school, which is quite an achievement on its own...).

And of course, it would be nice to meet some new readers that I don't know about. After all, there are 8,000 visitors going through this blog every month, and I can't say I've met all of you just yet... So maybe this is our chance to meet, at least virtually...?



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