Must Read: Toxicological Imperialism

1) Editorial Comment: Regulatory Nonesense - How Much Longer Do We Have To Endure Before Common Sense Pervails?
2) Meeting between Cropwatch - The Perfume Foundation, and the EU Cosmetic Commission Staff in Brussles, July 3rd 2007
3) Cropwatch Comments re the Public Consultation on Perfumery Materials in the Framework of Council Directive 76/768/EEC Relative to Cosmetic Products
4) The Adulteration of Essentail Oils - and the Consequences to Aromatherapy and Natural Perfumery
Cropwatch is also seeking volunteers to help examine the following areas:
1. Furanocoumarins. Academics & industrialists are helping us construct a massive data-base, which we will make publicly available, so we can all see the issues for ourselves. But we need more help.
2. Methyl eugenol carcinogenicity - challenges to the present accepted & outdated view.
3. Dimethyl & diethyl phthalates - ignored data & any associated industry conspiracy issues (thanks to the Perfume Foundation for this lead).
4. Sensitisers - ignored contrary evidence to the '26 Sensitisers' issue & new policy initiatives.
5. Issues of transparency & secrecy, freedom of information & the withholding of safety data from the public domain within professional trade & research organisations. This area includes how regulatory bodies have processed scientific evidence, & examining records of how scientific decisions were made. We have limited evidence from a number of academics that an 'expert' EU advisory committee has not properly dealt with (or perhaps have not properly understood) submitted evidence in particular cases; these need public exposure, & we need to establish a more robust code of practice.
Labels: Cropwatch
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