Brooklyn, August 24th 2006

It was a new moon, and this sign was displayed on the elevator at
- A place where one cannot even recognize his own brother, yet feels among family;
a place where the chill of Jerusalemite catacombs and the happiness of poverty reigns;
a place that resides somewhere between the Ghettos of yesteryear and Agnus Day of tomorrow;
A place that giveth and taketh away;
A place that magnetizes as much as it repels;
A place of light and of great darkness, where myriads of bagels vanish in a cloud of horseradish and Talmud lessons.
A place that is about the people not as much as it’s about the place; or maybe it’s just another place.
Love, Truth and Knowledge...?Labels: Journal, New York, Photography
That was powerful, Ayala...
Do you have mishpochah there?
As a girl,my mother and I used to take the trains to visit family , and I have a lot of memories associated with those images.
Keep safe and well, distant friend.
I hope your travels bring you all that you seek...
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