House No. 102178 - Ayala Moriel on Basenotes!!!

Basenotes is an extremely friendly and informative online discussion forum where perfume lovers around the world can discuss their fragrant experiences and share their knowledge and passion.
Basenotes is more than an online discussion forum. It is an elaborate project that serves the perfume community at large: it is a place where perfume connoisseurs can read perfume related articles, keep track of their collection (or shall we call it “inventory”?), swap or sell in order to modify their perfume collection and expand their olfactory horizons (there is even a feedback forum there, just like on eBay!), get perfume news updates, find information about perfume destinations around the world in the City Guides, and even acquire cool gadgets
to announce their love of perfume to the world at large.
Membership is free of charge. However, many Basenote members have decided to put their money where their words are, and support this website, which offers great services for the perfume community, and also educates the otherwise scent-ignorant public about perfumes. Supporters receive some extra benefits, such as being able to keep private notes for each perfume in the extensive Fragrance Directory.
The directory is an elaborate perfume database. It sorts perfumes by their houses and the year they were created. It also provides an elaborate pyramid of the fragrance notes – the top, heart and base note for most perfumes. You will also find information about the perfumers who created them and the bottle designers, and links to sources online where you can acquire the perticular fragrance you are looking at.
Many thanks to Grant Osborne for running Basenotes for the past 7 years, and for adding Ayala Moriel Parfums’ fragrance pyramids to Basenotes' Directory! I am sure it took a lot more than just a couple of minutes to add all my 53 fragrances (including the Zodiac line) and their entire fragrance pyramid. Thanks to Grant, you can now find the fragrance notes for my entire collection on Basenotes. A dream come true.
Grant and Basenotes - I applaude to you!
Labels: Announcements, Ayala Moriel Parfums, Media, Perfume News
I have signed up at Basenotes but never posted. It looks like a nice forum, and someday I may go back and join in the discussion.
This has been myyear to trim the fat, so to speak, and devoting more time to smelling the roses, and enjoying doing nothing, nothing at all.
I took a quick peek at your listings. Very impressive.. You must be well liked there.
Hope it brings more good things your way.
Best, Z..........
Lovely post Ayala, even though it was "only" about Basenotes. Full of warmth and it reminded me of why I love Basenotes as much as I do. See you there...
Zz, I joined Basenotes more than three years ago, back than I was one of the very few females there (there were only two other ladies that I remember posting, even though I am sure there were more ladies lurking, of course...). Still, one of the things I like about it and makes it stand out from other forums, is being able to read about perfumes from men's point of view. Very straight forward, and very passionate about perfumes. There is a women's fragrance forum now too, but the men's fragrance forum is still mostly led by men - so it's the same experience as in the days when Basenotes was about men's fragrance and grooming only. It sometimes feel like reading about perfumes from the right side of the brain...If that makes any sense.
I love Basenotes - it's such a special forum, for all the reasons described above, but also because I have special sentiments for Basenotes. It was thanks to Basenoters that I was introduced to lines such as Frederic Malle, Jo Malone, Serge Lutens... But even more so - it is so unusual to meet men that are passionate about perfumes. And since men think differently than woman, and men that love perfumes are even more so special - I get to meet really great people. This spring, for instance, I met the one and only Israeli Basenoter - we are talking in terms of endangered species here ;)(well, the only male perfume addict that I know of in Israel - besides my brothers, who are acquiring these beastly qualities thanks to my terrible influence).
And there are lots of things I learn from the men Basennoters, because even though I don't believe in gendered perfumes, I do wear mostly "feminine" perfumes. So Basenotes really can open one's horizons this way.
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