Arabian Coffee Dance
A sweet customer just brought to my attention this mention of Finjan on Perfume Posse from December - The Nutcracker Reimagined and Set to Perfume:
"Then, as horns bleat mutedly and cymbals ting, the Arabian coffees, vapourous with Ayala Morial Finjan, undulate, their honeyed perfume sensual with cardamom and tolu".
Surprises like this make me happy. It's great to discover a new way that people experience my perfumes, as if it has taken a life of its own.
P.s. I love the video above even though it's a dress rehearsal: It's raw and imperfect, the prima ballerina, Canadian dancer Jamie Reid, is only 15 years old, and you can hear the choreographer's instructions. The choreography is quite unusual for this Nutcracker piece - far more authentic belly-dance influenced moves, and it's all female dancers (I found that most performances have a trio of male dancers and one female soloist).
Labels: Arabian Coffee Dance, Ballet, Finjan, Nutcracker, Perfume Posse, Tchaikovsky
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