Perfume the Movie Contest

To celebrate the long-awaited release of the film “Perfume: The Story of a Murderer” this January, SmellyBlog is running a contest: comment below on what you have thought of the book, and why you liked or didn’t like it, and enter to win one of 10 double-passes to the pre-screenings in Vancouver and Toronto, on January 3rd and 4th!
When you post your comment, please mention if you are from Vancouver or Toronto, as we will be running two separate draws.
Let all your friends who live in the Greater Vancouver or Greater Toronto area know about this contest and refer them to SmellyBlog!
The 10 lucky winners of the movie tickets will also win a $25 coupon towards their next purchase at Ayala Moriel Parfums.
Tune in for more special announcements re the release of this unusual film. There are more suprises to come in January next year, and if you live in Vancouver and Toronto you shouldn't miss them!
Below is the unofficial film review of yours truly, who was fortunate enough to watch it before most Canadians - just two nights ago in Vancouver. The official release date in Canada is January 5th 2006.
Labels: Announcements, Contests, Perfume The Movie
I thought the book was excellent...although a bit difficult to read at times. I'll admit that skimmed over some of the extremely descriptives sections. I did, however, still find the story captivating and the hero (or is it anti-hero) very intruiging...what I would do to have his mind for smell! I'm a bit weary of seeing Dustin Hofman play Baldini, but I guess every movie needs a familiar name.
I've been patiently waiting for the movie to come to Canada for some time now, and would love to get those tickets to the Toronto premiere!
Odd book. A pretty good read
Tix for To
I found the book fascinating and must have re-read it about 10 times. The first time around was when I was a mere teenager and it made such a deep impression as I was interested in perfumery back then as well. It opened up to me vistas of unlimited options and knowledge in the intricasies of the craft I could find nowhere else in such an easily-read format.
Of course the charm of the book lied elsewhere, if taken as literary material.
The fact that Grenouille is completely despicable and a freak is quite humanitarian (in the renesssaince sense of the word)in its approach; that the different people in this world do have a right to exist and exist successfully at that. His genius and not who he is make for his redemption. His oeuvre, although shocking no doubt, is innovative and revolutionary. He goes against every societal preconception and opens up the eyes of his contemporaries to the truths of a primeval nature; the human essence, the pain, the passion, the tears and the excrement beneath a trully great perfume.
On top of that it was very obvious to me that the figure of Grenouille and his life stands as a religious allegory/parable. Blessed with a unique nature, alone in the world, from an unknown father and a good natured mother, he is lying low for the first years of his life, just like Christ. And then, as soon as he goes to Baldini, up he comes with miracle working, aweing and astonishing his entourage with his divine -or satanic, and there lies the genius of the writer- abilities.
And when all is said and done, he goes to the "desert" as an hermit to cleanse his soul, only to be ressurected by civilised people (here there is a satire of the Age of Enlightment)who bring him on like a sheep to the slaughter, for him to be ultimately sacrificied for his sins and ours in a final orgy that looks like a Caravaggio painting.
Yes, you could say I have immensly enjoyed this book.
I found the first part to be too tedious. I often found myself too lost in the details to the point that the general direction of the story was lost. Although important for the book and the story, the details were so overwhelming sometimes that they left me with no feelings at all and actually made me lose interest... But, the second part of the book really comes to the rescue of the story. It's as if the first part is a preparation and the second part is when everything comes together and start to make sense in its own strange way.
I personally adore Dustin Hoffman and think he has the right personality to play Baldini. He adds just enough humour to make the cahracter believable and human. And everything in his surroundings make the Parisian part of the film real fun.
I would be curious to hear what you think of the film after you watch it!
Your take on the book is fascinating. I think next time I try to read the book it will be in Hebrew. I will buy in next time I am in the Holy Land. I don't think I will be able to make myself read it again in English.
The philosophical conclusions the book awoke in me were completely different from yours. I think I will need a bit more time for digesting (both the book and your thoughts) to come up with a some interesting arguments.
For now I will just say that my impression of the general "role" of Grenuille as an archetype shares more similarities to cahracters such as Herman Hesse's "Steppenwolf", or in general, the Romantic period view of "The Artist": a genious, cast away from society, sacrificing their life for their art. In the case of Grenuille, though, he is portrayed more as an animal than human; His handicap is quite fantastic, as I am not aware of any such problem of human being not having a body odour (if anything at all, having a disagreeable body odour is a social problem in some cultures, praticularly Asian cultures from what I know). He is more of a fantastic creature of super-natural (as in utterly animalic powers to smell from distances and discern scents not quite known to people; the first character that comes to mind that I can compare him to is Dr. Dolittle's dog, who can discern hot water from cold water, etc., which in that book we have the intriguing opportunity to understand his language and thoughts!).
I had a few serious problems with the book, which are quite obvious from a perfumer's point of view, even if open minded:
1) Emphasize on the sense of smell as a lower, animalic sense (by making Grenuille such a low-life character)
2) Portraying the "Perfumer" as a character who would kill for (literally in the book) making the perfect perfume
3) I have strong disagreements with the justification of any anti-social behaviour in the name of art. That Romantic approach is so not right in my opinion. I don't believe being an artist means that a person has the right to be any less human, kind or caring than other people; I don't believe that artists need to be lonely people; and finally, I don't think that a person cannot be kind and generous and loving AND be a great artist in their field.
Perhaps because I grew up amongst too many arrogant artists, I have a serious aversion to that attitude, that artists are in any way better than other people, and can get away with murder just because they are creative. Nor do I think that artists need to live a life of poverty, suffering and loneliness in order to creat. I would like to think that the philosophy that artist give to society art and beauty in exchange for their own suffering and/or causing pain to certain individuals in society that come in touch with them, is long gone. And replaced by a more realistic one!
I would like to go back to the book and bring out a few quotes later that were thought provoking for me, but this perhaps will go to another post...
P.s. Good natured mother? Grenuille's? She tried to kill him for God's sake! She is more of anthi-thesis of Maria than anything. And Grenuille sacrificed OTHERS not himself. I am not a Christian, so I don't find the analogy alarming, but I can imagine a few people who would. Think of a potential a sylum, in case the Church is after you, Helg ;)
I am so tired of hearing about this book...from my boyfriend, who is obsessed with it. When he heard about the movie he started to foam at the mouth. He has applied to the two specialty schools in France to train to become a nose, and create perfumes. His collection of perfumes and scents is in the hundreds.
If I get him tix to the pre-screening, I will gain a wack of points to be redeemed for future forgiveness. No more sweating bullets when I forget his birthday or turn the laundry pink.
I was introduced to this book by my boyfriend 2 years ago, what an amazing read!
The interesting detail about perfumery balanced out the horror of the main characters deeds. This book was very hard to put down!
We are very excited to see this film adaptation, can it live up or even surpass the novel??
Vancouver premiere please!
hi...I know I missed out on the contest, but, just on the odd chance, someone does not claim the tickets for Toronto I would be more than willing to take them off your hands...
Thanks, Thanks, Thanks
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